We advise on the proper and correct use of trademarks, so that the registered rights remain as strong as possible and are not weakened because of improper use.
Proper trademark use and archiving evidence of such use are essential for preserving trademark rights and preparing for potential disputes or use evidence requests from trademark offices. For instance, in the United States and Canada, trademark offices periodically require evidence of trademark use to maintain the registrations.
Using the trademark in business activities is necessary to ensure that the trademark registration remains valid. To protect and maintain the trademark right, the trademark owner must use the trademark in the right way, and in the format as registered.
Trademark usage guidelines
We draft trademark usage guidelines for our clients, ensuring that the trademarks are used correctly without weakening their legal strength. Our clients can easily archive evidence of the use of their trademarks in the KP LegalLandscape portal, through which the evidence is always available to us when necessary to submit evidence.
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