We help draft commercial contracts that protect your company's interests and prevent potential disputes in advance.

Sales agreements and purchase agreements

Sales agreements and purchase agreements are commercial contracts that regulate the sale and purchase of products or services. A sales agreement is an agreement where the seller commits to transferring ownership to the buyer in exchange for a certain price. A purchase agreement is a binding agreement where the buyer commits to buying, and the seller commits to selling, a specific quantity of certain products or services at an agreed price and under specific terms. These contracts also define the rights and obligations of both parties to complete the transaction.

Typically, sales and purchase agreements cover at least the following aspects:

  • Parties: The contracting parties.

  • Subject Matter: The products or services being sold or purchased.

  • Price and Payment Terms: The agreed price and payment conditions, including payment methods, invoicing, and payment schedules.

  • Delivery: The agreed delivery location and time.

  • Transfer of Ownership: How and when ownership is transferred to the buyer.

  • Inspection and Acceptance: Procedures for inspecting and accepting the product.

  • Responsibility for Delivery: Which party is responsible for transport and delivery.

  • Warranty and Return Policy: The terms of the warranty and any return rights.

  • Liability Limitations and Compensation: Limitations on the seller’s liability and compensation obligations.

  • Contract Duration and Termination: The contract term and the conditions under which the contract can be terminated.

  • Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: The applicable law and how potential disputes will be resolved.

  • Confidentiality: Definition of confidential information.

Examples of defects and ambiguities in sales agreements and purchase agreements that cause disputes

Sales and purchase agreements often contain the following deficiencies and ambiguities, which can cause problems with enforcement or lead to disputes between the parties. These issues should be given special attention to prevent problems:

  • Vague or Ambiguous Terms: Contract terms are too vague or open to interpretation, which can lead to disagreements about what the parties have agreed on.

  • Incomplete Product Descriptions: The description of products or services is incomplete or inaccurate, which can result in the buyer receiving a different product than expected.

  • Unclear Price and Payment Terms: The contract does not clearly define the price, payment schedule, or payment method, which can lead to disputes over payments.

  • Unclear Delivery Terms: The delivery time, place, and method are not clearly defined, which can cause delays and additional costs.

  • Unclear Transfer of Ownership: Ambiguities about when ownership and risk transfer to the buyer can lead to disputes in case of damage.

  • Deficiencies in Warranty and Claims Terms: Warranty and claims procedures are insufficient or unclear, making it difficult for the buyer to enforce their rights in case of defects.

  • Lack of Liability Limitations: The contract lacks clauses that limit the parties’ liability in certain situations, which can lead to unforeseen liabilities and costs.

  • Lack of Confidentiality Obligations: If the contract does not have clear confidentiality obligations, trade secrets or other confidential information may leak to third parties.

  • Lack of Termination Terms: The contract lacks clear terms for termination, which can lead to disputes over ending or extending the contract.

  • Unclear Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: The contract lacks a mention of the applicable law or dispute resolution procedure, making dispute resolution complicated and costly.

  • Failure to Account for Changing Circumstances: The contract does not account for possible changes in circumstances, such as market price fluctuations, delivery issues, or other unforeseen events, which may result in the contract no longer serving the needs of the parties.

  • Lack of Contract Monitoring and Management: There are no sufficient mechanisms in place for monitoring and managing the contract’s implementation, which can lead to the contract terms not being properly followed.

To avoid these deficiencies and problems, it is important to draft the agreement carefully and ensure that all essential terms are clearly defined.