We ensure that intellectual property rights are comprehensively addressed with separate IPR clauses in all cooperation and partnership agreements we draft.

Cooperation and partnership agreements define the responsibilities, obligations, rights, and expectations of the parties involved during the collaboration. These agreements can vary widely and are used in different contexts. Examples of typical cooperation and partnership agreements where intellectual property rights are central include marketing collaboration agreements, research or product development collaboration agreements, advertising collaboration agreements, educational collaboration agreements, and sponsorship agreements.

Cooperation agreement
A cooperation agreement is a legal contract between two or more parties who wish to work together on a specific matter or project. Typical situations where cooperation agreements are used include business development and expansion, research and development, marketing and branding, the development of distribution channels, and sharing costs and risks.

Partnership agreement
A partnership agreement defines the relationship between two or more parties who wish to collaborate to achieve a specific goal.

Typically, cooperation and partnership agreements address at least the following aspects:

  • Parties Involved

  • Purpose and Objective: Defines the purpose and objective of the collaboration. This is a clear description of what the parties expect from each other.

  • Nature of Collaboration: Defines the type of collaboration (e.g., technical collaboration, marketing collaboration, etc.) and the responsibilities and obligations of each party.

  • Funding and Resources: Agreement on funding, resources, and cost-sharing for the collaboration.

  • Duration of the Agreement: Specifies the term of the agreement and the conditions for early termination.

  • Reviewing the Agreement: Establishes mechanisms for reviewing and updating the agreement.

  • Intellectual Property Rights: Agreement on the ownership, use, monitoring, and defense of intellectual property rights.

  • Information Sharing: Defines the terms for sharing information and documents related to the collaboration.

  • Marketing and Advertising: Specifies the responsibilities of the parties regarding marketing and advertising.

  • Confidentiality: Agreement on the confidentiality of information.

  • Limitations of Liability and Indemnification: Agreement on limitations of liability and indemnification obligations.

  • Exclusivity: Agreement on whether a partner has exclusive rights to a certain area or market segment.

  • Assignment of the Agreement: Defines the conditions under which a party to the agreement can transfer it to a third party (if allowed).

  • Termination of the Agreement: Establishes the procedures for terminating the collaboration and the obligations following termination.

  • Common Goals: A clear description of the common goals that the parties aim to achieve together.

  • Outputs Generated from the Collaboration: Agreement on the intellectual property rights related to products or materials created as a result of the collaboration.

  • Amendments and Additions to the Agreement: Defines the procedures and conditions for amending the agreement.

  • Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: Agreement on the applicable law and how potential disputes will be resolved.